Kingdom Holding Co signs MoU with CDC International Capital to establish investment company

Kingdom Holding Co signs MoU with CDC International Capital to establish investment company
Islamic Finance News
Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) has entered into strategic agreement with Caisse
des Depots International Capital (CDC International Capital – CDCIC) under which the two entities will
jointly set up an investment vehicle.
The new firm, which will be managed by both KHC and CDCIC, will focus on developing Saudi
projects and ventures with the help of French companies, technologies and expertise, KHC said in a
The partnership between KHC-CDCIC will help in promoting bilateral economic co-operation and to
provide easy access to long-term capital in the two countries by companies involved in economic
cooperation between the kingdom and France.
The two entities formed a working group, co-Chaired by Prince Alwaleed and Laurent Vigier, Chief
Executive of CDCIC, to push on the partnership.
The collaboration will target on attractive investments on a wide-range of sectors and asset classes,
mainly on opportunities which promotes economic co-operation between both the countries as well as
contribute to the growth and prosperity of the two economies, the KHC said.